We're a small company from N.C. Here's our story...

Schedulefly was created in 2007 to offer restaurants a simple and organized way to schedule and communicate with their staff. Our founder developed the software using memories from his days working at the Bridge Tender restaurant - a legendary seafood restaurant on the coast of N.C. He ultimately inherited the job of creating the schedule each week (on paper) for 40 wait staff and years later designed Schedulefly to improve that messy, frustrating, time consuming job.

Today, the 5 of us serve thousands of customers across the U.S. and Canada - including restaurants, bars, breweries, boutique hotels and others in the hospitality industry. Our growth over the years has happened naturally through word of mouth from happy customers that we take great care of. When you contact us, you might reach any of us, and you are guaranteed to have a warm, friendly, helpful conversation.

Thank you for reading our story and please let us know how we can help you.

Wes, Wil, Tyler, Charles and Hank
The Schedulefly Crew